Dear Diary, I went to Wal-Mart for the First time Ever

Dear Diary,
I wish you could have been there to see the fabulous place! Miss. Brenda came home right at four and said, "Sorry Apple Crisp, I had to go to work and didn't want to wake you." Turns out she has two jobs! She works at night like the girls at Magnolia Woods, but she also works at the Wild West Outlet Store where she sells cowboys boots, leather belts, big stetson hats, and more--all having to do with western stuff! And after she had herself two cups of coffee with two spoons of sugar and one drop milk, guess where we went! No, not Custard Last Ice Cream Stand silly, that place is back by Magnolia Woods! We went to Wal-Mart! Oh, my inside are smiling just thinkin about it.

Wal-Mart is like a big wishin store. There's all the people there and it's like they wish they had something and then go to a designated isle and POOF their wish comes true! I wished for a white padded bra and matching lace underwear and POOF. And then I wished for a pink blouse with low rise jeans and white sandals. POOF. And then I wished real hard for pens, and stickers, and white out fo mistakes, and a purse to put you in. POOF POOF POOF.

If you had eyes, Diary, you'd see how pretty this purse is. It's my first purse--ever! It is purple with a long cloth strap that I can hang on my shoulder or cross over my chest. The body of the purse has pink flowers with green leaves on it. It holds all my writin supplies. Miss. Brenda said I should get pencils with erasers instead of pens, so I got these pencils with Lisa Frank written on them. They have kittens and puppies smiling on them. I even got a sharpener for when the pencil gets flat and I have to make it sharp again.

Miss. Brenda is a real good lady. When we got home, before she had to go in to Dennys, I mustered up the courage and asked her to be my Mama. She got kinda quiet, like when a adult has to tell a little kid someone died, and took me by the shoulder and said, "Banana Puddin, I can't be your Mommy. Actually I was going to tell you this but didn't know how, but I called Family Services today at work and they're gonna come pick you up tomorrow."

I told her that was awesome, that I'd never gone with a family to a church service before, and that that was the best thing that anyone had ever done for me.

Well, Diary, it's almost ten in the morning now, and Family Services should be here any minute so I gotta go. I really love you and I can't wait to tell you all about church! Except I've never been to church on Tuesday before. Oh well, maybe this is what Auntie Mary Joans calls a technologically advanced city, and maybe here they are so advanced that they have church on weekdays!

Bellaray Dave


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Meet Bellaray Dave. A fictional character who writes in her diary, otherwise known as a blog, about running away from Magnolia Woods Whorehouse in nowhere, Arkansas.

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