Dear Diary,
Mrs. Petrosky woke Lulu and me up and five-thirty this mornin so that we could catch the school bus at seven forty-five. She needs to go to school too, cause her english is as jagged as a cottonmouth's scales. She says, "Oifwekn a bisl bulbe! Oifwekn! Uup Uup!" I definitely would not have uuped myself out of bed if she hadn't pulled back my covers and opened the curtains. She even started pinchin my cheeks, all the time yellin "foiler bulbe" and stuff that sounded like she was speakin in tounges. I finally got outta bed cause I was afraid she was gonna throw snakes on me or catch on fire or somethin.
I was hungry but Mr. Petroksy was standing in the kitchen, tapping his foot and pointin his finger, "chickenz" he says. So Lulu and I rubbed are eyes and went to the chickens where we proceeded to get our ankles and fingers attacked by angry beaks. We came back, even hungrier, to the smell of roasted coffee and burned porridge. Mrs. Petroksy plopped a spoonful of this nasty looking cow poop into two wooden bowls, slid in in front of Lulu and I and said, "Ayite-tyor kasha." It was better than boiled eggs--that's all I have to say.
It seemed like the whole day had gone by when Lulu and I had finally dressed and boarded the school bus. But the sun was just wakin, even though we were jumpin with all are coffee, and so we sat like all the other kids-quiet and sleepy til we got to school.
Oh my good lordy the school was the nicest thing I'd ever seen! A big brick building with blue metal doors and yellow tile that made me want to permanently reside there. Guess what, Diary, they serve food at school--for free! And it's not that yucky boiled egg and cabbage garbage! At eleven forty-two exactly, Mrs.Kinders makes all the students line up and silently walk into the lunch line where you can get as much food as you want. I got chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, turnip greens, corn on the cob, warm butter bread, and a bag of potato chips cause I like the way they crunch against the top of my mouth.
But you probably wanna know about the kids. I must admit I don't think these children are very nice. Mrs, Kinders made Lulu and I introduce ourselves, and me being the oldest I went first, naturally. I told them I'd runaway from home, where a nice lady named Miss. Brenda brought me home and took me to wal-mart, but then sent me to the orphange where I met Lulu and I was happily in school there until I went to live with these crazy people from Russia that didn't like the color red. Mrs. Kinders didn't even let me talk about the chickens. Anyways, all the other kids laughed and called me a hobo and after that Lulu said she had to throw up, but she didn't really she's just what Sister Kate calls shy.
But i suppose that's all okay cause I quite like being best friends with you and Lulu. Oh yeah, Lulu and I decided we were best friends. No worries, you're my number one best friend.
Mrs. Petrosky is screamin in her tounge-words again. She does that alot when she's burnin dinner.
Bellaray Dave
Dear Diary, Welcome to Cotton Plains Middle School
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
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